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5 Ways to Rock the Aquarius Energy

5 ways to rock the Aquarius Energy

Aquarius rules from January 20 through to February 19th

Here we are in the midst of Aquarius season. I’ve come up with a 5 ways that will help you rock the Aquarius Energy this season. If you recall, Capricorn was all about the BIG Picture, Aquarius is about the BIG plan.

5 ways to rock the Aquarius energy


Aquarius is a fixed sign ruled by Air.
The Fixed part means it takes the energy projected out by Capricorn and draws it in and then radiates it out. Fixed signs do the work initiated by the Cardinal signs that comes before it.
Air always indicates ideas, intellectual pursuits, and communication.

Aquarius known for its free-spirited, non-conventional mode of operation. It is the sign of progressive ideas and thinking outside the box. It also encourages great collaboration and fighting for causes.

So what does that mean for us? Whats the best way to work with Aquarius energy.

Lets go back to those yearly goals we set in back in December and the big ones we focused on in January.

5 Ways to Rock the Aquarius Energy

1) Try something New.

By now we should have a good idea if our plan is working. It either is or it isn’t. If it is, then we can continue on or we can kick it up a notch.

I took this literally and increase the tension on my stationary bike. I’m switching my focus from developing a habit to improving my cardio health. (This translates to harder, sweatier workouts)

If you’re plan isn’t working, now would be a good time to try Something different. For instance, a different workout or a different way to save or whatever your goals are.

Sometimes a change is all we need to shake up the stagnant energy surrounding us and get us back into motion.

In the realm of ‘something new’, perhaps there is a coffee shop you’ve been meaning to check out? Likewise, there may be a new park or museum you haven’t been to? Go! Write it into your schedule and check it out!

None of these strike a cord? Then pick up a magazine, any magazine, especially one you wouldn’t normally read and read a few articles.

This is the season when you’ll make connections and either find a new and exciting interest or find the answer to a problem.

2) Collaborate.

This is also the best time to join a group or a team that will support you as you work toward your goals.

Aquarius loves to bring people together to work on a common goal because its all about big changes.

Are you having a hard time adapting to a new diet? Are you learning a new skill? Do you feel all alone in your blogging endeavors? Do you have a social or political cause that you want to work with?

There are groups all over social media that would welcome you and support your efforts. Likewise there may even be a few local groups that you could visit.

3) Take a class or join a team.

Think outside the box. What activities or skills do you need in order to reach your goals or make you live richer? Is there a class that would help? Is there something local that you can sign up for?

Perhaps you’d be interested in a healthy cooking class or maybe your local yarn store is teaching a new technique. Go for it! You’ll gain a new skill, in addition to meeting some fascinating people.

One year, Lucky found a local blacksmith guild and learned how to bang hot metal into various useful shapes. It didn’t necessarily support his goals but it was fun and he realized that he does have a creative side and he enjoys making things.

4) Start your own group.

Can’t find a group? Start your own because it’s so easy to start a Facebook group. Open it up to the public and you might just meet people from all over the world.

Its not that hard to start an in-person group, either. There are so many ideas; a book club, a knitting group, Bunco night.

Moreover, you can get a group of friends to start training for 5k or a relay team to raise money for a cause.

5) Make a bold leap.

Now this is how you really rock the energy of Aquarius. Step out of your comfort zone and do something bold. #yolo

Do something that makes your heart race with giddy excitement because that’s what life is for.

I’ll be honest. I’m not one for taking big leaps. Seriously. I am cautious by nature and have commitment issues. I think things through and test every possibility against my gut and then think about it some more. Suffice it to say, I’m not really the best person to push the radical option.

That being said, I did sign my divorce papers in February of 2004. I probably should have had a few things clarified in writing but it turned out great. No regrets. It was exactly the right thing to do and I grew as a person so much that year.

Now that I’ve shared my 5 ideas, get out there and rock that Aquarius energy while its here! Let me know what your doing and how its going!

For those of my friends that like the geeky stuff, read on for some interesting facts about Aquarius.

Aquarius information and keywords

Myth of Aquarius

The Story of Aquarius begins with a handsome young prince of Troy named Banymede who was chosen by Zeus to be his personal cup-bearer. Zeus took the boy with him everywhere, flying on Aquila. Ganymede noticed that the people of Earth were in desperate need of water and begged Zeus to let him pour the cup onto the world. He then became known as Aquarius, God of Rain and eventually was placed among the stars.

The Sun in Aquarius

Our essential personality or what we grow into

Aquarius may seem eccentric to some, relishing in the intellectual and avoiding the emotional at all costs. However, they are great humanitarians and problem-solvers even if they seem aloof and emotionally detached. They often go about their business in unorthodox ways.

At their best they are honest, loyal and intellectual. However, at their worst they tend to be lazy, temperamental and uncompromising.

Moon in Aquarius

Defines the emotional side, represents the instinctual or unconscious self

Moon in Aquarius is an excellent communicator, hearing both what is said and sensing what isn’t. They gain trust by reading people and situations. They also champion the cause, often acting as a catalyst for positive changes.

Rising Sign

what people see when they first meet us/ karmic lessons we need to learn

They are likable, approachable and friendly with a great curiosity about life and a desire to share knowledge and help others.

Do you know an Aquarius? I know a few. Unfortunately, I have none in my inner circle. It’s a shame because they are such a relief from all the drama of the other signs. I tend to gravitate more toward water and earth people.

Tell me what you like most about Aquarius!

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