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Behind the Scenes: Chasing the Dream

chasing the dream

This post isn’t really magical if that what you’re looking for. This post is just a behind the scenes peak into the human side of my life because we are starting a new adventure and chasing our dream.

I’ve been feeling a ‘change’ vibe for a while which has me battling some Wanderlust. I’ve told The Renaissance Man. He didn’t like that idea because he still believes that he doesn’t like change. Silly Muggle.

a blond woman in a black cardigan is sitting in a meadow overlooking rolling hills and pondering the dream she's about to chase

About a month ago my suspicions were confirmed or rather clarified. To make a long story short, it looks like we may be moving out of our tiny little hobbit house.

Our first reaction was to freak out! Both of us! Which isn’t normal because we usually take turns.
It was then quickly followed by some serious swearing. Swearing is very theraputic.

I’m totally not ready to move; not physically, not mentally, and definitely not financially.

But once the shock wore off, I felt that spark, that energy, the magic butterflies… the possibilities. The Renaissance Man, not so much, he’s stubborn that way… Silly Muggle.

In his defense, he has put a lot of sweat equity into this house because he believed it would be ours someday. As such, it took a few conversations to point out the faults in this property and open him up to the possibilities.

Chasing My Dream Life

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted a big white farmhouse with a wrap around porch and an expanse of land to grow gardens; vegetable garden, fruit gardens, herb garden, secret tucked away garden. And trees, lots of trees. I love trees.

A two story white farmhouse sits alone on a grassy plain with a row of deciduous trees in the backdrop

Maybe it was growing up reading Little House on the Prairie or maybe it’s my ancestors (They lost the farm in the depression), but that was the picture in my head, That’s where my heart goes when I loosen the reins.

My happy place.

I buried that dream for a while because circumstances put my sorry a$$ in the City, with all the people and pollution and noise. I did my best, no matter where I lived, to enjoy the postage stamp yards and make them as magical as I could.

Moving means chasing our dream; the possibility of buying a house with a bigger yard and most certainly, more land.
I’ve recently found a word for what I’ve always wanted.

A Homestead of our Own

I’ve also learned that I already do so much of what a Homesteader does.
First, I grow my own herbs and vegetables. Secondly, I can preserve the things I grow. We also cook 90 % of our meals from scratch.

Then there’s also my domestic skills; I can sew, crochet, and most recently, I’ve learned knit. Whoohoo!

You totally want me on your Apocalypse Team!

(You can see my latest yarn projects here.)

The Renaissance Man is also pretty handy. He can cook, bake, paint, sculpt, design and build things. (Hence his nick-name). Furthermore, he does almost all the maintenance on our home and vehicles. He’s pretty freakin’ amazing!

The only thing we lack here are animals because they’re against the city ordinances and our space is already cramped. I would like to keep chickens for eggs, and goats for milk (and because they’re adorable). I’ve also learned to spin fiber this year, so sheep or alpacas have entered the dream.

The animal part still seems very far away, if at all possible but the moving to a house with more land is now on the table although, its going to take us at least a year.

Our Different Emotional Processes

Now I have to go back a bit to tell you that I got to that Hopeful-Excited Place before The Renaissance Man.

This is pretty typical. He likes to hang on to his worry; pet it, cuddle it, and call it George. In other words, he’s not really good with the whole “Trust the Universe” thing. So, it took a bit of counseling, a card reading, some logic and a threat to get him on board.

Pretty much I pointed out that he needed to stay positive about this, or at the very least put it in a box and forget about it, because I’d be working some magic and if his bad juju threw a wrench in all my good work, there would be hell to pay.

He laughed….nervously.

It’s been a couple weeks since this all transpired. We now have an updated finance plan in place. As a result, we’ll be able to get rid of some debts and save some money. However, it’ll be at least a year before we can start looking at properties.

New Adventure = New Blog

Up until now, every blog I’ve run and every sales venue I’ve dabbled in was completely my outlet. I opened my Etsy shop in 2008. I worked it at a hobby level and subsequently, let it fall to the wayside if something else came up. After 12 years, of creating everything myself, The Renaissance Man is finally considering contributing his talents to it.

If he actually does is another question.

Right now, he is in the workshop (i.e garage) honing his skills and making cool pieces for Christmas gifts. In addition, he may or may not be planning cool trinket and boxes to sell. We shall see.

I’ve been doing this long enough to know the steps (not that I followed them but I know them). I kind of burned out and took a break but we agreed that its time for me to jump back in and do some serious work.

The making part is easy so, of course, I love the making part. The media may change but the joy is the same.

However, the photo taking and editing gets tedious. The listing part is lackluster and monotonous. But it’s the social media stuff is where I struggle. Not because I can’t do it, I can. It’s just because it always takes more time that I want it to.

Let’s all wave our wands together, since I can’t seem to find a working time-turner.

The biggest change for me right now may actually work in my favor but either way it will be my biggest focus. The Renaissance Man and I discussed this blog.

*queue ominous music*

Okay, I rambled. He nodded a lot and occasionally made suggestions. Finally we agreed that this can’t be just a witchy blog. It can no longer just be about those fun topics like plants and magic; the tools that I’ve made and Goddesses that I work with. As fun as that may be….

It has to expand into the rest of our life because our life is so much more than plants and tools. It’s about love and hope, joy and tears, worry, struggle, pain, triumph, and lots of laughter. Even though everything we go through is flavored with my beliefs and touched by magic; our life is so very, beautifully human.

This has to be a lifestyle blog.

Our lifestyle is unique, fun and slightly unorthodox. First of all, we are hilarious, as you will see because I like to share the conversations we have for comedic value. We’ve also discovered that we can be pretty resourceful and have been through quite an adventure in all our years. As a result, we have a plethora of wisdom for living in the 21rst century.

Above all, this blog has to chronicle the journey we are about to embark; from the very beginning (now) through all the ups and downs. The fun parts and boring parts and all the magic I work in between because people need to know they can follow their dreams, too.

I guess I’m saying that their will be more behind-the-scenes-type posts. I’m really excited about this because it means that I get to write about things that really matter; life things, insightful things. Maybe, if I’m lucky, I can even write about things that will inspire you into chasing your own dream, as well.

I’m a great cheerleader, you want me on your cheer squad!

Here’s to Chasing our Dreams! Leave me a comment. Tell me about your dreams, even if you’re not ready to take the steps.

What's on your mind?