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4 Ways Virgo Energy Can Help You Get Stuff Done

Virgo Energy

Virgo Energy makes things happen.

I LOVE VIRGO energy. This is the month when the plans become clear, the path is obvious and sh!t gets done. It’s apt that it happens at the end of summer/beginning of fall. This is when life goes into overdrive. School starts, gardens need harvesting, food needs to be stocked up and summer things need to be put away. As the matriarch here in my little world, the brunt of the organization (and work) falls on me so I’m always grateful for Virgo’s influence.

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Zodiac Overview

Virgo is symbolized by the lovely Maiden in the sky carrying a shaft of grain as if to remind us there’s work to be done. She is an earth sign, focused on our physical world. She is also a Mutable sign. This means her energy swirls and spirals allowing us to be more flexible and shift our focus easily.
She is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intelligence. This helps her to be laser-focused on the details and clear on her plans.

Virgo is know for its careful attention to detail. She is fairly conservative and well-organized. A Virgo leans toward the practical aspects of our earthly comfort although she does prefer a beautiful aesthetic.
A Virgo is hardworking, kind, and loyal although they may appear cool and detached at first. This is because of their practical and rational viewpoint of the world.

They can’t help but to improve their environment by organizing and tidying. Plus, they also enjoy improving themselves by learning new things and entertaining intellectual pursuits.

Harnessing Virgo Energy

Organize your Life

Virgo season is a great time to organize your space. The Earthy Maiden is Queen of Tidy Spaces. Take some time to declutter and toss those things you don’t need or give away the stuff you know you’ll never use.
It’s also a great time to tackle those projects you’ve been avoiding. Dust off your planner and try again. Virgo will help you fit everything in. My own planner got and organizational revamp. Don’t have one? I’m a happy Planner addict and I love that they have undated planners so we can start anytime of the year!

Improve yourself

You may also find yourself battling the urge to improve yourself. Don’t fight it. Mercury rules Virgo and under its influence, you may find yourself contemplating learning something new or maybe just reviewing something you had previously studied. Take advantage of the Virgo Energy and sign up for that class or buy that book. I’ve just ordered my copy of The Holy Wild by Danielle Dulsky.

Say what you need to say

Beautiful Virgo, ruled by Mercury, the great communicator, encourages us to Speak up. Talk to people, talk to groups of people, post more of your views on Facebook, write in your journals, start a blog. Say what you have to say, but say it kindly. Anything you need to say can be said in a manner that isn’t rude or crass. Virgo disdains rudeness.

Get out of your head

With all that Virgo inspired thinking and talking and planning and organizing, you may be feeling and bit lightheaded. Ground yourself with some time in nature. Take a walk, go pick some apples, get closer to nature and move your body. Virgo is an Earth sign and needs connections to the physical.

Virgo Energy infograph


Its a misunderstanding that Virgo means Virgin. In Latin, Virgo actually means self-contained or a better translation for modern times would be self-sufficient. And to be quite honest, virgin never meant “never had sex”. That was the Patriarch suppressing the feminine and re-inventing the meaning of Maiden. Virgin/Maiden originally referred to a woman that was self-sufficient and independent that had no responsibilities to others, ie. Children, husband, etc.

You can see how that would be a problem for a patriarchal society. Can’t have healthy women going around thinking they don’t need men…

Virgo, the lovely lady in the sky, holding a sheaf of grain, is attributed to a number of Goddess Myths. She is representative to the Great Goddess, Caretaker of Mankind. She was thought to be Ishtar, Isis, Ceres/Demeter and even Mother Mary. All four representing the Mother Aspect of the Divine Feminine.

She has also been referred to as Dike, Astraea, and Erigone; three Goddess with a focus on Justice. (although some ponder that those aspects may actually relate to Libra, which is both physically and energetically close to Virgo.

Sun inVirgo

Virgo is first and foremost a Perfectionist. She is sensitive and intuitive making her helpful, kind and a very good friend. People with their Sun in Virgo are practical, analytical and observant. The last attribute makes them ready for anything and incredibly stable in a crisis. They’ve already got a plan for the unexpected because they expected it.

A Virgo sun is sensitive to criticism and worry too much about disappointing others. They hold themselves to a higher standard and expect others to do the same. This also makes them a bit judgmental and critical of others from time to time.
They aren’t comfortable in the spotlight, preferring to keep busy in the back, making sure everything is done correctly.
They seem cool and detached because they are so practical and rational however they make the best friend and partner if you can get past the initial demeanor.

Moon in Virgo

People with their moon in Virgo and most comfortable in their routines. They have a tendency to become a “control freak” when their routine is disrupted. Moon in Virgo is uniquely aware of his or her surroundings and is very detail oriented. They are sensitive and a bit high-strung which leads to extreme worrying. They need their routine and healthy habits such as daily walks in nature or quiet time without distractions. These kinds of life choices become holistic for the moon in Virgo


Those with Virgo rising are purposeful and trustworthy. They tend to be very “matter- of -fact” which may come off as cold albeit honest. Virgo Rising shine best when they feel appreciated for all that they do behind the scenes. They prefer to keep productively busy and enjoy self improvement opportunities, if it’s their idea.
Karmically, the lesson of Virgo Rising to to be of service to others without becoming discouraged by the imperfections of the world.

I hope this Virgo Season gives you everything you need to get your life back under your control!

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Virgo Energy

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