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Every Day Witchcraft

Every day witchcraft is a view into how my normal boring life is infused with magic. I believe witchcraft is a practice and a way of life.

Subsequently, witchcraft isn’t just something you do naked in a circle under the full moon once a month. Instead it is the practice of living in tune with the natural cycles and energies of everyday life.

Why you should practice Tarot even if you're bad at it

Why You should practice Tarot even if you’re bad at it.

Most witches practice tarot reading. Its not something that comes easy to every one. Believe it or not, not all witches are good at reading Tarot cards. I struggled way back when and I still struggle today. If you haven’t got it yet, relax. You’re still a good witch, your gifts just lie somewhere else.

Cancer Season

5 Ways to nurture your soul during cancer Season

Welcome Cancer Season… the time of the crab, surf and sand, long days, short nights. We are half way through the standard year. The sun is at its peak, the days are longer than any other time of the year.
Cancer is a cardinal sign; kicking off the summer with new ideas. All cardinal signs begin the season. It is also a water sign. Water signs are always concerned with the emotional, intuitive and imagination of the human experience.

6 Tips to Conquer Aries Season

6 Tips to Conquer Aries Season

Welcome to Aries Season! After swimming through watery Pisces, concerning ourselves with everyone’s emotional state of being, Aries is giving us permission to return to ourselves, focus on our own needs and start something new and exciting.

8 ways to Celebrate Ostara aka Pagan Easter

8 Ways to Celebrate Ostara (a.k.a. Pagan Easter)

Ostara, or as we call it, Pagan Easter is the day of the Vernal Equinox or the First day of Spring. It is a time when day and night are equal. It symbolizes balance and equilibrium. Ostara also marks the season of fertility and growth. It’s the time when plants begin to grow and animals begin to mate. The energy of renewal and re-birth is honored after the long harsh winter.

There is no wrong way to smudge. Smudge wand with tarot cards

There is No Wrong Way To Smudge

Once again, there is no wrong way to smudge. There are no rigid rules or required learning or lineage. There are, however, common sense safety precautions and some best practices I’ve discovered along the way. Let me share my 20 years of experience.

5 ways to rock the Aquarius Energy

5 Ways to Rock the Aquarius Energy

Here we are in the midst of Aquarius season. I’ve come up with a 5 ways that will help you rock the Aquarius Energy this season. If you recall, Capricorn was all about the BIG Picture, Aquarius is about the BIG plan.

power of the stars

Harness the Power of the Stars: Create Your Best Year Ever

Back in December, I had this idea of a Zodiac challenge.
It hit me that I could harness the power of the stars, or tap into the zodiac energies every month and it could help support my endeavors in developing healthy habits and achieving my yearly goals.

Your Magical cabinet or How to tell if your herbs are still good

Your Magical Cabinet or How to tell if your Herbs are still Good?

Your magical cabinet is one of the best parts of being a magical practitioner. Most seasoned witches have figured out which herbs are good for what magic and how potent their own stash is but if you’re new at potion making, herb craft and magic wielding, you may be wondering how to tell the good from the no longer worth keeping.