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Color Magic to Jazz up your Spellwork & Life

Color Magic

The Magic of Color

Most Witches heavily incorporate color magic into their practice. The theory behind the practice is that colors hold their own energy or vibrations. This means that we can use those vibrations to help us.

Putting those theories to the side for now. Think about how different colors, tones and shades make you feel. Think about how you use color in your daily life. How does it features in the clothes you wear and the way you decorate your home? If you wear make-up or nail polish, are you particular about the colors you choose?

The Science Behind Color Magic

The way we feel in the presence of different colors is a result of psychological conditioning, biological reactions, and cultural experiences. Psychology has shown us that color can lift your spirits or calm you down. It can create moods and affect the atmosphere of a room. Color theory is used by doctors and also advertisers.

Are you looking for a boost in your mood? Put on something bright, like yellow, citrus orange or a bold pink. Brighter and warm colors invoke higher levels of energy. On the other hand, wrap yourself in pale blues, sage greens or grays if you need calmer energy.

Magic is the ability to harness our own emotional energy to manipulate our surroundings. Colors magic works on our subconscious to invoke those emotions. In a well balanced magical practice, the right color will help and support your intentions.

How to incorporate Color magic into your practice

rubs hands with anticipation
Now, lets get into the nity-grity…
How do we put this knowledge into practice? Let me tell you, the possibilities are endless!

Spell work

Candles and color magic go hand in hand. If you have ever read a book store spell book, the author will often suggest a specific color candle for a spell. This isn’t random. They’ve already done the research for you. You can design your own candle spells using colored tea lights like these on Amazon. Likewise, you can check out the many Etsy witch shops for an extra magic kick.

Magic charms and mojo bags are another way to use color in your magic. You can pick up small organza draw string bags to add all your gems and herbs. They come in a huge array of colors. Similarly, you can make your own bags with scraps of fabric or fat quarters from the craft store.

Consider practicing knot and ribbon magic. These are both great ways to use color in spell work and incorporate all the beautiful colors and fibers on the market. You can use yarn, thread, or string. Check out your local craft store to find great natural fibers such as linen, cotton, hemp, and bamboo.

Dress up your poppets to reflect your desired out come. Are you treating stress? Then you could wrap your poppet in a pale blue. Do you need a boost of healing energy? Perhaps you could whip up a doll with that pretty leafy green print.

If you’re the crafty witch that incorporates your art into your ‘craft’, then you probably already have a handle on this. If not, consider painting your canvas with supportive colors. In addition, you could add some colored ink to that black and white zentangle.


You can set up your working altar using a specific color that works with your spell intention. Add an altar cloth, a picture, gemstones, and/ or offerings such as flowers or food in the colors that support your work.

Finally, remember your ritual clothes. Some witches have special robes or jewelry that they always wear during rituals. You can also add color magic to your magical wardrobe to enhance your work. I’m thinking of seasonal outfits as well as robes for healing or shadow work.

Every layer of coordinating energy helps to boost the power of your intention and success of your spell.

Colors Magic in Every Day Life

Outside of spell work and ritual, another easy way to make your home and your life more magical, is to use color magic in your home decorating.

It gets a little overwhelming when you live in a small house and need each room to serve many functions. It would be awesome if we had a room just to decorate for peace and meditation and another to paint in bold colors to re-energize and renew us.

That’s not practical so I’ve found a trick. We recently repainted the main rooms of our little hobbit house in very neutral colors. First, it serves as a blank canvas. Then it allows me to change the energy of the room with a few throw pillows and wall decorations.

I also have a stationary altar dedicated as an gratitude altar in our living room. I usually change things each season. It helps me to work with the cycles as well as embrace the different energies. .

The Color Magic Correspondence Chart

The following is a generic list of colors and their correspondences to incorporate color into your magic practice. It is not comprehensive but should give you a good start. It’s also important to note that color is incredibly subjective. In other words, how you feel about a color is more important then the what some random witch tells you.

Also consider that different cultures have different practices concerning color magic. For example, in the west we associate white with purity and hope and therefore use it in weddings. In contrast, in some Asian cultures white represents death, mourning and bad luck.


Element: Fire
Astrology: Aries, Scorpio
Chakra: Root
Symbolism: passion, courage, strength, power, renewal, rebirth, desire, speed, ambition, combat, anger, confrontation


Astrology: Venus
Chakra: Upper Heart
Symbolism: self-love, personal harmony, friendship, romance, calm, peace


Element: Fire
Astrology: Sun, Leo, Sagittarius
Chakra: Sacral
Symbolism: happiness, mental alertness creativity, relieving depression, increasing opportunities, breaking down barriers, harvest


Element: Air
Astrology: Mercury, Taurus, Libra
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Symbolism: healing, friendship, happiness, beaurty, life, cheerfulness


Astrology: Sun
Symbolism: money, wealth, prosperity, abundance, inspirtation, God


Element: Earth
Astrology: Venus, Mercury, Cancer
Chakra: Heart
Symbolism: New beginning, growth, wellness, money, career, employment, hope, garden, nature, fertility, luck, healing, fairies


Element: Water
Astrology: Jupiter,Moon, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Chakra: Throat
Symbolism: increased wisdom, patience, peace, truth, loyalty, meditation, speaking, insight, inspriation, ovean, introspection, intellectual pursuits


Astrology: Mercury, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Gemini, Sagittarius
Chakra: Brow/Third eye
Symbolism: Clarvoyance, intuition, spirituality, wisdom, meditation, memory, inteligence, messages, astrology, royalty.


Astrology: moon, Pisces
Chakra: Crown
Symbolism: Safety, prtection, transformation, enlightenment, connection to higher self, cycle of life, freedome, peace, initiation, purity


Element: Earth
Astrology: Saturn
Symbolism: divination, beginning, creation, birth, absorbing energies, patience, stability, binding, banishing, protection, karma, death, protection, hexing


Astrology: Moon
Symbolism: divination, mysteries, secrets, Goddess, psychic awareness


Element: Earth
Astrology: Scorpio, capricorn
Symbolism: Security, sanctuary, nature, grounding, endurance, animal magic

Now it’s time to get your hands dirty…with a rainbow of color magic!

Here’s a blog post featuring Green and Gold:

A Witch’s Guide to Successful Money Magic & Prosperity Spells

Color Magic Pin

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